Tribute to the Women Lawyers of Paraná State in Legislative Assembly of the State of Paraná

Official Event | Date: June, 28, 2016 | Place: Legislative Assembly of the State of Paraná – Curitiba


The Women Lawyers of Paraná State honored, on Tuesday (28), in a formal ceremony at the Legislative Assembly of Paraná.

The Technical Coordinator of the Museum of the Future Program “Feeding the Future”, Dr. Lázara Guidio Daniele Biondo Crocetti was one of the honorees professionals.

According to the OAB-PR, “women represent nearly half of law throughout the country: 444,189 women (47.20%) and 499,316 men (52.80%). In Paraná State Sectional , 44% of subscribers are women.

In January 2016 the Federal Council of the OAB (Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil – Order of Brazil Lawyers) established the Women Lawyer´s Year and launched the National Plan for the Enhancement of Women Lawyer, providing for the defense of the prerogatives, the protection of women in professional practice, gender equality and expansion of women’s participation in the administration of the Order. ”

Lawyers Honored:

General Secretary of the Sectional, Marilena Winter; the president of the Women’s Commission lawyer, Luciana Silva Sbrissia and Bega; Federal Councilor Edni De Andrade Arruda; the vice president of the Lawyers Assistance Fund (CAA-PR), Daniela Ballao Ernlund; state councilors Iverly Antiqueira Dias Ferreira, Juliana Andrade Colle Bretas Nunes and Maria Regina Zarate Nissel; President of the Study Commission on Gender Violence (CEVIGE), Sandra Lia Barwinsk; and lawyer Maria Lucia Beloni Correa Dias, Rafaela Lupion Mello, Helena Rocha Souza, Rosemari Kalluf Schneck, Sonia Bridie, Clara Maria Roman Borges and Lázara Guidio Daniele Biondo Crocetti. Also received the honor Alessandra Marques de Oliveira, Ana Flora France and Silva, Andreia Cristina Lazzarotto, Aparecida do Rocio Roza da Silva, Audilene Rock, Josiane Lupion, Karin Krazinski, Nivea Martins, Luciane Bortoleto, Sâmia Coser, Sonia Breide, Vera Lucia Oliveira Podgurski and the chief judge of the TJ / PR, Lenice Bodstein.

Event Images

Registration of all Women Lawyers honored.

Speech by President of the OAB-PR José Augusto de Araujo Noronha during the ceremony.

Dr. Olympio of Sotto Maior Neto during the ceremony.

The lawyers of the “Feeding the Future” Program Daniele Biondo Crocetti, Fernanda Lemos and Natacia Marine Ferraz beside the prestigious Dr. Olympio of Sotto Maior Neto.

Technical Coordinator of the Program “Feeding the Future” of Museum of the Future Foundation, Dr. Lázara Guidio Daniele Biondo Crocetti was one of the honorees professionals.

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