Multicultural Center in Golan Heights

US Partner Foundation Project | Museum of the Future Foundation

For more informations about the project, please visit the official website:

Golan Heights project documentary trailer – to be released soon

Activity Area

  • International Cooperation Agreements
  • Education for a culture of peace and non-violence
  • Sustainable economic and social development

Project´s Purpose

Development of a Multicultural Center for all religions and ethnic local groups in Golan Heights to preserve their history.

About the Project

Letter from Teresinha de Jesus Nacli – Founder of the Museum of the Future Foundation

Map of the Height of Golan

The purpose of this letter is to appraise You of a Golan Heights Project, wich intend to create a cultural centar oh the Golan Heights and to solicit your assistance.

My family has lived and owned land on the Golan Heights, at the foot of Mount Hermon, for several Centuries.

However, my family had to leave the area in 1925 because of the local political situation. Since that time our land has been managed by responsible individuals.

This land has been annexed to Israel as a result of the war of 1967.

The aim of this project is to create a cultural center for all religions and ethnic groups of the area to preserve their history.

During a recent visit I made to the region, I spoke with some local authorities who expressed great interest in the project, and indicated that they would gladly cooperate.

They asked me: Who is giving the land? What culture will be preserved? How will this help to advance peace? The families of Abou Moussa Girius Nakhle and Hibrahim Afandy Abu Jamra, my grandparents, are offering the land of this Peace Cultural Project.

Map of the actual occupation

My family (Hibrahim Afandy Abu Jamra) has had this land for several generations, preserving the history.

My great-grandfather was the last chief of the Nazaras (people from Narareth, city of Jesus) and my family was responsible for the care of Jesus lands

Church of Transfiguration Place

The region in the 242 resolution of UN

We were the first Christians in that area. On the other side of the family (Abou Moussa Girius Nakhle) – we came from family of Levi, of Moses.

We would preserve the history of many religions and cultures: Christian, Jewish, Moslem, Druze, Palestinian, ancient Greek, Persian, Egyptian, East Indian, Tibetan, etc. in short, of all religions willing to participate in honor of Peace.

How will this help Peace? By offering new ideas for peace in that area, preserving their history, their religion, their land, families and dreams.

The project will unite three (3) countries: Lebanon, Israel and Syria with peace, art, music, education, tourism and happiness, instead of landmines, weapons and soldiers.

I would like to work on diplomatic relations through the United Nations, to open the borders to free movement, and the establishment of projects in the fields of human rights education, religion, culture economic cooperation and tourism industry.

I am Brazilian with Arab and Jewish blood. I will always respect my heritage and I´m proud of my ancestors history. I learned to love Arabs and Jews in Brazil. It´s what I have inside my heart, and that´s what I want to share in my lifetime.

I´m a dreamer, I know, but I´m not the only one. Shalom! Respectfully yours,

Teresinha de Jesus Nacli – Curitiba – PR – Brasil

Map of the water in the region

Syrian Arab Republic (under Israeli occupation since 1967 UN Resolution 242). My family expects payment of US$ 21 billions of dollars, from the Israeli Government for occupying our family land for so long as rent, and for the use of our lands and natural resources to make money and NOT invest in the area to bring PEACE and SECURITY.

Special for the Israelis, Druzes, Palestinians People and for all countries involved in this tremendous Holocaust that we seen on TV everyday. We will give half of this money to Unesco & Universidade Federal do Paraná (Vice-Reitoria) in Brazil, to use in this project and half to pay the Syrian Government and my family the suffering by the use of our land for so long and to INVEST IN PROJECTS IN THE AREA with mutual cooperation of the Druze People (descents of Jetro), Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan.

Fields of Action: Education for a culture of peace and non-violence.

Fields of Action

  • Education for a culture of peace and non-violence
  • Respect for all human rights
  • Equality between women and men
  • Democratic participation
  • Understanding, tolerance, solidarity
  • Free flow of information and knowledge

I am working for years with a lot of difficulties on this project. I had never asked for any donations, but as the world leaders have so much money to finance war and weapons to destroy the birth place of our civilization, I decided to challenge the same leaders asking for big money for PEACE as Peace deserves it!

Jordan River and Mount Hermon

I will seek UNESCO to transform the area as “World Heritage” Patrimony of Humanity and “Local Peace Zone Status” whereby the region may freely develop its projects and fulfill its mission. “Preserving cultural property and rendering them accessible constitute means of encouraging mutual understandings among peoples and thereby serve the cause of peace” Golan Heights.

Original Documents date from 910 and and they were confirmed by the Syrian Government in 1965. The Golan Peace Cultural Project addresses the urgent need for permanent institutions dedicated to the Culture of Peace and Self-Sustainability in the Middle East.

The project bases its appeal on an innovative approach to creating a Culture of Peace that combines secular human development in the arts and humanities with principles of the interfaith movement and of sustainable development.
MOUNT HERMON: Mandal Shames

Mount Hermon is the real place of the TRANSFIGURATION of JESUS … Mk 8:27-33.

Jordan Springs Banias Caesarea Philippi, where Jesus was recognized as a Messiah

JORDAN RIVER is mentioned several times in Genesis, and the areas around, including archaeological sites are of outstanding universal value from the historical, ethnological and anthropological points.

JESUS was recognized as a Messiah at the Jordan River springs … Matthew 16:13.

Jordan River is the official border of SYRIA and ISRAEL, since the time of Moses, who never crossed the Jordan, and I come from his family, the Levi´s! We are all one family…

May Peace and Love Prevail on Earth!


Teresinha de Jesus Nacli-Napoli

Donations for the Multicultural Center in Golan Heights Project

Contributions for the Multicultural Center in Golan Heights Project

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