Feeding the Future

Activity Area

Legal and Psychological Assistance in child support and / or alimony actions.

Project’s goal

Ensure that uncapable and relatively able minors the scope of the essential right to life and health through food, medical care, housing, clothing, culture and leisure.

Project´s Public

120 women and / or parents and 200 children and adolescents


OAB PR – Comissão da Mulher Advogada
(The Woman Lawyer Committee)

CEDM PR – Conselho Estadual dos Direitos da Mulher do PR
(State Council of Woman Rights – State of Paraná)

Enrollment in the program

To register in the program Feeding the Future, click the next button:

About the Project

The figure of the father, mother and son no longer is more the mother cell with the same force in today’s society, as a few years ago.

Society is dynamic and continuous process of evolution, so it’s natural that family institution, which is not static, suffer its impacts.

Changes resulting from these single-parent families that have grown significantly was recognized as a family unit in the Federal Constitution of 1988.

However, it´s noteworthy that the number of female lone parent families is much higher compared to men lone parent families, what makes us to conclude that even associates to women the role of caregiver of the children.

You can not assign the responsibility of raising children to the man or woman individually.

Even in lone parent families, children has a father and a mother, and that responsibility has to be discussed and accepted by both.

According to official data (IBGE) the index of families headed by women between 2004 and 2014 increased by 67%, that´s a universe of 11.4 million women.

Despite attributing this growth to greater access of women to the labor market, the reality in the female lone parent homes is still resulting from abandonment or breakdown.

Despite the increasing number of female lone parent families in Brazil, still have not been created specific public policies for this new family segment.

Thinking about the woman who is forced, in a short period of time, after a separation or abandonment, to rethink their role in society and to reorganize as a mother, head of household, professional and woman in this new family model, the Museum of the Future Foundation developed this legal and psychological support project.

A form on the entity’s portal will be pre-populated by the parties, with their complete data and other relevant information.

Given all the eligibility criteria for the program, the participant will receive a notification via email or telephone, stating the date of the first service.

The first care or screening will be conducted by the team of social workers, psychologists, lawyers and trainees of the supporting universities.

At first will be provided to mothers the necessary legal assistance to ensure the judicial assistance through a mediator essentially approach in order to seek agreement between the parties for further court approval.

Impossible or impracticable to carry out the friendly composition, it will be promoted the legal measures necessary to ensure that the financial obligation of the non-guardian or feeder parent in case of other dependents, is effectively determined by court judgment and fulfilled, friendly or coercively .

The counseling will occur at all stages of the process.

Donations to Feeding the Future Project

Make your donation for the Feeding the Future Project of Museum of the Future Foundation.

Direct link to UOL PagSeguro

It´s required inform the donation made by email

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