Make your donation for a better Future
The “Museu do Futuro” Foundation needs the support and participation of whole society for the viability of their projects and social programs. Please, make your donation via bank deposit, as per details below:
We Thank You.
Banco do Brasil – 001
Agência 1863-5
Conta Corrente 999051-8
Fundação Museu do Futuro
CNPJ 05.097.808/0001-52
Donations through Deposit
Donation must be informed by email
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Our goal is to preserve the privacy and protect the data of our contributors.
All registration information is considered confidential, and therefore, the Museum of the Future Foundation has as a rule not to disclose information of our employees to third parties except with the express authorization of the same.
Access to registration information is restricted to authorized and trained professionals.
Our privacy policy aims to ensure the assurance that any information relating to employees will not be provided, published or marketed in any circumstances.
Museum of the Future Foundation