Educate in the Present for Peace in the Future
Activity Area
Eradication of Violence and Peace Culture
Project´s Public
Boys and girls enrolled in public schools, aged 11 to 17 and about 215 teachers oriented for the inclusion of the topic in the curriculum of the institution.
As indirect beneficiaries are the families of this young public, who will have access to campaign materials – and may participate in the series of lectures as well as the project research.
About the Project
This project aims to bring within the walls of the high and the fundamental schools the reality of the world outside.
The issues surrounding violence in all its forms and manifestations, cannot be excluded from the education and formation of the future citizen.
The school is not an isolated island, is part of society, and as such, should be transformed into a space for socialization and reflection.
Taking the school as a learning public space, it should also be understood as a socializing space when parents, students, teachers and staff create a dialogue environment to discuss collective conflicts and promote mediation by professionals, volunteers or not, for personal development.
As articulators partners in this project we have the Military Police of Paraná State through the “School Patrol” Program, Scientific Police of Paraná, who with it´s teaching support materials seek guide – children and adolescents – issues ranging from disclosure of available channels for complaints, to attendance for victims of violence.
Electing public schools in the state system, we intend to integrate students, teachers, parents and volunteers from the local society in view of network activity and education for a culture of peace.
It should also be an education enabling the development of youth leadership. Children and young people need to feel included in the process of social transformation or even directly responsible for the positive results of the campaign.
The project will create conditions to stutends work out creatively and critically their enthusiasm for action and thus develop their potential. Create a dialogue environment between parents, students, teachers and representatives of government, assemblies and internal campaigns are some of the suggestions in the teaching support material produced and made available by the Museum of the Future Foundation.
The project “Educate in the present for Peace in the Future” was elaborated based on strategies of how education can reduce violence.
Campaign´s Promotional and Educational materials
To download the promotional materials of this Project, please acess our media page.
Project´s Poster
Project´s Brochure
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Project´s Promotional Banners
To download the promotional materials of this Project, please acess our media page.
Campaign´s Promotional Videos
Project´s main video
Tereza Nalci, Founder of the Museum of the Future Foundation, announces the launch of the Project.
Testimony of Weverton Pereira da Silva (Goalkeeper of Atletico Paranaense – local soccer team) for the Project.
Testimony of Rubens Recalcatti (Delegate of the Civil Police of Paraná) for the Project.
Paulo Meyer Filho, Vice President of the Museum of the Future Foundation announces the Project´s Campaign.
Testimony of Marcos Meier for the Project.
Testimony of Dr. Olympio de Sá Sotto Maior Neto for the Project.
Testimony of Christiane Yared the Project.
Testimony of Andrea Omeire the Project.
Donations for the Educate in the Present for Peace in the Future Project
Make your donation for the Educate in the Present for Peace in the Future Project of Museum of the Future Foundation
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