Who we are
The “Museu do Futuro” Foundation is a non-profit organization, committed to sustainable human development, social injustice reduction and the fight against all forms of discrimination and prejudice.
The “Museu do Futuro” Foundation intends to be a project financing source, aimed at solving social and economic problems of the regions where it operates.
Over the coming years, the “Museu do Futuro” Foundation will operate on a permanent and sustainable manner by establishing an international network of programs, projects and actions for the sole purpose of growth and social development.
Considers, on the other hand, the expectations related to the construction and performance of an increasingly active role of this entity in the formulation of development policies and improving the quality of life, with reference to national and international strategies to reduce poverty proposed by the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Board of Directors
Deliberative Council
Teresa Nacli
Bachelor of Arts Degree – English-Portuguese – from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná – PUC, Curitiba, Brazil/1976. MBA in “Business Management and Marketing” – Universidade Candido Mendes/2009.
Human rights activist resumed the work of the Museum of the Future Foundation in Brazil, a non-profit organization on which is the founder and sponsor. Promoted and organized several projects of sustainable human development and women’s empowerment, including the Cooperative of Women Candidates – Municipal Elections/2000 Curitiba-PR. A cross-party activity with candidates from all political parties. Started the project of a Cultural and World Peace Center in the Golan Heights, which is natural heir to an area of land.
Worked as a volunteer in the UN-United Nations* NY-USA. Founder of the “Portuguese Language Club in the UN–United Nations – NY – 1995. Founder of the Brazilian Institute Museum of the Future, a non-governmental organization established to promote human rights actions and sustainable human development projects – 1999. Through IBMF – Brazilian Institute Museum of the Future, organized the “First International Congress on Electoral and Partisan Law”, with the participation of 22 countries, in Curitiba – PR, Brazil – 1999.